Bond Staking
Bond Staking
Bond Staking provides a mechanism for users to stake their tokens and earn rewards. This feature contributes to the security and stability of the network while incentivizing user participation.
To access this feature, navigate to the token and View Bond Staking
Bond Staking Panel
Bond Staking - Initialization
Before Bond Staking is available to users, the token creator need to initialize the Bond Staking function. Navigate to Bond Admin Section to proceed with initialization.
Bond Staking - Register Asset
Register the token for bond staking.
Bond Staking APR (Max 30%) - this is the reward percentage.
Bond Staking Unstaking Days (Max 28Days) - this is the timeline from when the tokens are unstaked to when it is returned to user account.
Token Quantity - this is the amount of tokens that the Token Creator is allocating as rewards for bond staking.
When the Token Creator has successfully initialized the token staking fundamentals, the bond staking feature will be available to users to start their bond staking.
To access the Bond Staking Menu, select the token that you would like to "Bond Stake" and navigate to the Token Dashboard -> Bond Staking Panel.
CLick on View Bond Staking to navigate to the Bond Staking Dashboard.
Bond Staking Panel
Bond Staking Dashboard
There are five panels in the Bond Staking Dashboard:
- Bond Staking panel
- Bond Staking Reward Overview panel
- Recent Rewards
- Bond Leaderboard
- Claim Rewards
- Bond Staking panel
- Bond Staking Reward Overview panel
- Recent Rewards
- Bond Leaderboard
- Claim Rewards
Token Bond Staking Dashboard
Click on View Bond Staking
Bond Staking panel
Input the amount of tokens to be staked
Bond Staking Dashboard
Upon confirmation, the tokens will be transferred to the bond. Details will be displayed as follows:
Your Staking Rewards
Claim rewards
The daily rewards will be displayed here. You need to click on Claim rewards to claim the reward for the day. Display will show up to 7 days. If you do not claim the rewards, it will be returned back to treasury.
Overall Network Rewards
The Overall Network Rewards will be displayed here.
Recent rewards
The recent rewards provide a transparent display of all rewards claimed.
Bond Leaderboard
The Bond Leaderboard provide a transparent display of the User Bond Leaders.
Bond Staking - Admin
The Bond Staking - Admin provide a transparent display of the User Bond Leaders.
Bond Staking Admin Dashboard
The Bond Staking Admin dashboard allows the user to
- Donate / Transfer to Bond Staking to reward Stake Pool
Donating tokens for providing Bond Staking rewards for Bond Stakers. Do not transfer here to claim Bond Staking Rewards or to stake tokens. UNIT QUANTITY
Display the Bond Staking History
Display the Unbonding History