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The $UNIT Token Bank holds the total supply of the tokens created.

The $UNIT Token Bank Panel is located in the $UNIT token Dashboard.

The Token Bank is operating account for a token of business or project to pay staff/marketing/operations costs and allows token holders to see the financial performance of a token

Revenue goes in here, and then operating cost goes out from here.

When there is substantial revenue in the bank, it is recommended to move some funds into the treasury to provide more support for the token economy. with more funds in the treasury, it will increase confidence in the token.

$UNIT Token Bank Panel

Bank Value : The Bank Value is the sum of all the assets within the bank multiplied by their corresponding prices. (e.g. 0.1 ETH * $3k + 2 BTC * $50k)

Bank Amount : The Bank Amount represents the amount of UNIT tokens in the bank.

UNIT Token Bank Panel


$UNIT Token Dashboard comprise of two panels :

  • $UNIT Bank Panel
  • $UNIT Bank History Panel

$UNIT Bank Panel

The $UNIT Bank panel displays

  • Bank Balance in $UNIT token quantity and Dollar Value.
  • Total Supply

$UNIT Bank History Panel

The Bank History panel displays the transaction listing for $UNIT Token Bank.